Welcome to Anchor Point Media. We Specialize in all facets of digital media creation and management. For examples of the quality of work we provide, take notice of all the images on this website. They are all images we have taken while shooting customers inventory. For an expanded look at the services we provide, check out the "Shop" tab. Or if you would like to schedule a meeting or make contact, scroll down and I have quick contact info section below. Enjoy and I look forward to creating some content for you!
Below are some stats found from a study done by eCarlist. This is exactly why we are around. To find the balance between hiring a company to service your lot, while having all the perks that an in-house employee brings. If you go the cheaper route you hire an employee for $10-$15 an hour, and you get that quality of work and reliability. That is why we decided to be the high-line option. High quality photos, high quality service and reliability. Check out the study below.
The information above found on www.DealerRefresh.com, the best online forum for dealerships.
"Here are some findings from our study OR you can download our full study “eCarList Photography Study“.
In-house merchandising on average:
decreased time to market by 4.2 days
decreased days in stock by 10.7 days
increased average 90 Day Unit Sales by 23%
increased average 90 day profit by $72,000
increased annual profit by $288,000"
For the complete article: www.dealerrefresh.com/dealer-photos-inhouse-increases-dealership-bottom-line/
This study alone should make you question your current service. Then you should ask yourself can you manage another guy every day and educate someone to the point they can be self sufficient and reliable. Sure any kid will do for 3-6 months, but is that the solution to make the dealer more money?