Social Media Management
We have a staff of professional photographers that visit your business on a regular basis to create fun & localized content. We recommend a 20% hard sell structure, so what that means is only 20% of your content should be sales or offers.
One of the keys to an effective social media presence is consistency. So you will need to have more than just lease offers and muffin sales to fill your timeline. That is where we really shine. Because we have professional photographers that actually come to your business, we are able to create fun content that lets people know who you are. What your business is about and conveys your “Why buy from us” without feeling like they are being pitched.
Social Media Ads
Currently Facebook and Instagram are the cheapest and most effective way to serve potential customers with your marketing efforts. The reach that can be achieved on these platforms compared to Google is astounding. With Google CPC’s often ranging at a minimum of $3 - $5 and reaching quadruple that. With these platforms you can hyper target your audience, and get truly clean data at a fraction of the cost of Google.
We will help you implement a campaign that is broad reaching or hyper targeted to a specific audience. Or both!